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Basic Authentication with REST


Authentication for REST Integrations follows the OAuth 2.0 RFC Standard. Each developer has a unique key and secret associated with each application they create. The developer makes an HTTP Post directly to the REST-enabled Learn server requesting an OAuth access token. The Learn instance forwards the request to the Blackboard’s API gateway, adding its own siteId to the request so that the gateway can determine whether the application is registered with the server. The API gateway returns an authorization token that grants the application access to the Learn REST API for one hour. The developer uses this token in subsequent REST calls until the token expires. This workflow is illustrated in the following diagram:

OAuth Workflow Diagram

WARNING: Never share or expose an application’s key/secret pair. These are used for requesting OAuth tokens, which enable the holder to issue REST requests. Exposing an application key/secret pair or token is a serious security risk. If you think you have exposed a key/secret pair you may request a new pair for the application using the Developer Portal My Applications management page.

REST calls are subject to quotas and limits. For more information, see Developer Groups, Site Quotas, and Rate Limit.

Before You Start

To Get a Token Using Basic OAuth 2.0

Use the following high-level steps to fetch a token from your Learn instance. Remember that your Learn instance must be registered at and that your application must be registered on your Learn instance. Registering your application with your Learn instance provides you with an application key and secret.

Use cURL or an appropriate HTTP library to make a POST REST call to the /learn/api/public/v1/oauth2/token endpoint.

Headers must include:

For example, if your application key were:

and your secret were

you would encode the string:

yielding the encoded value

Prepending Basic to that value gives

Basic MTIzNDU2NzgtMTIzNC01Njc4LTEyMzQtMTIzNDU2Nzg5MGFiOmFiY2Rl.htmloaWprbG1ub3Bx cnN0dXZ3eHl6YWJjZGVm

which would be your Authorization header value. Some REST libraries and clients like cURL handle this encoding for you.

The body must include:

If everything is working correctly, the server will return an HTTP 200 response and a data body. The data body includes a field access_token. Your access token for further REST calls is the value of this field.

To Make a REST Call with the Basic OAuth 2.0 Token

Use the following high-level steps to use a Blackboard Learn REST API token to authorize other REST calls.

Use cURL or an appropriate HTTP library to make a REST call to the appropriate endpoint. For a list of endpoints and the methods supported for each, see the Blackboard Learn REST reference docs at

Headers must include:

If everything is working correctly, the server will return an HTTP 200 response and a response body as specified by the reference docs for the call you made.

Example: Using cURL to Get a Token and Make a REST Call

The easist way to test is using cURL. We will assume you have already registered through the Developer Portal and retrieved your application ID, key, and secret, as well as added your application ID to the Learn server you wish to integrate with:

  1. From the command line, use cURL to send a token request to Learn, signed with their application key and secret:
    key=<your key>
    secret=<your secret>
    curl -i -X POST -u "$key:$secret" https://<your server>/learn/api/public/v1/oauth2/token
    -d "grant_type=client_credentials"

The cURL statement calls and HTTP POST request. This POST request contains an Authorization header that states this is Basic authentication. The cURL command uses the -u switch to create and send a Base64-encoded version of key:secret. cURL sets content-type to application/x-www-form-urlencoded for you.

  1. The developer portal returns a standard OAuth 2.0 response, which is passed back to the developer. For example:

    HTTP/1.1 200 OK
    Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8
    Cache-Control: no-store
    Pragma: no-cache 
         "access_token": "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdef",
         "token_type": "bearer",
         "expires_in": 3600
  1. Use the returned access token to make further REST calls. For example:
    curl -X GET -H "authorization: Bearer abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"

Implementation notes: